On March 23rd, 2024, Paws for Purple Hearts San Diego hosted their 2024 Service Dog Graduation Ceremony! Marking the culmination of a two-week client training period and the beginning of life-changing partnerships, Veterans George Bessen and Nicholas Rusanoff took center stage alongside their newly placed Service Dogs, Lofstedt and Nina, at the graduation ceremony.

Nicholas Rusanoff with Service Dog Nina

George Bessen with Service Dog Lofstedt

The ceremony was a poignant acknowledgment of the dedication and perseverance displayed by both Veterans and their Service Dogs throughout the training program. Amidst speeches from program leaders and trainers, the spotlight shone brightly on the heroes of the day – George and Nicholas.

San Diego Graduation Ceremony

Family members, friends, and the community gathered to honor the Veterans’ achievements and the newly formed bond forged between them and their Service Dogs. Paws for Purple Hearts San Diego’s graduation ceremony not only celebrated individual successes, but also highlighted the collective journey towards improved quality of life and enhanced independence.

In addition to the heartfelt moments captured during the graduation ceremony, we invite you to witness the journey of George, Nicholas, Lofstedt, and Nina through a special video showcasing the two weeks of client training leading up to this unforgettable moment.

San Diego Client Training 2024

As George, Nicholas, Lofstedt, and Nina embark on their shared mission to improve their overall quality of life, their graduation serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Paws for Purple Hearts San Diego continues to transform lives through the power of the human-animal bond, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all who witness its incredible impact.

At the heart of Paws for Purple Hearts lies a commitment to serving Veterans facing mobility challenges and trauma-related conditions. As we celebrate the graduation of George, Nicholas, Lofstedt, and Nina, we also extend an invitation to join us in our mission.

Your support is vital in enabling us to continue providing the highest quality Assistance Dogs and canine-assisted therapeutic programs to those who have served our country. Whether through a donation or by visiting our website to learn more about our initiatives, every action contributes to the transformative journey of Veterans and their Service Dogs.

Together, let us honor the heroic bonds forged through our program and ensure that every Veteran receives the support and companionship they deserve. Thank you for considering how you can be a part of this life-changing mission.

Greg DeSantis

Greg DeSantis is the Marketing and Communications Specialist at Paws for Purple Hearts in San Diego, California. There, he engages with the local community to help educate and bring awareness about PPH. His long-time love for animals and military ties led him to a career with Paws for Purple Hearts.


