Without volunteers in the world that dedicate their time and lives to bettering organizations such as ours, much of what we do would not be possible. Volunteering makes a difference in the lives of everyone, whether you can directly see the impact or not.
As the month of April, Volunteer Appreciation Month, comes to an end, we’d like to recognize all of our volunteers throughout the years at PPH and thank them for their dedication! One of the many ways our volunteers contribute to the daily functioning of our facilities is through Puppy Parenting. The importance of our Puppy Parents cannot be overstated as they take our Dogs-In-Training to and from all sorts of activities, house them overnight and over weekends, bring them to our sites for training and more. These individuals sacrifice an enormous amount of their time to help our dog programs run as efficiently as possible!
Bay Area Facility Volunteer Working With Ambassador Dog Schatzie
To those who make our facilities run through general cleaning, maintenance, upkeep, etc, your hard work is what we thrive on! These volunteers show up day in and day out to help us keep our sites in the best condition possible for events, fundraisers, and more. To have you all become a part of our mission and help our community thrive is an absolute pleasure. There is no small task completed that goes unnoticed by all of our staff members.
Whether you have been a long time volunteer, recent volunteer, or are interested in becoming a volunteer for Paws for Purple Hearts, we cannot thank you enough. We at PPH know how busy each and every one of you are in your own lives, so to devote any ounce of time to advancing one of our locations means the world. We want to wish you the happiest Volunteer Appreciation Month and hope you continue to realize just how valuable you are to us!
If you’d like to become a volunteer with us, simply click the link and apply! We have unlimited opportunities for you and would love to welcome you to the Paws for Purple Hearts family. Join us today for your volunteer orientation, we are waiting for you!
Looking to help our cause? We couldn’t do what we do without our supporters! Please consider helping us spread the word about our mission to your community. Your support allows us to continue to fulfill our mission in helping Veterans and Active Duty Service Members. By simply helping us get the word out there, you are helping us to continue to fulfill our mission. Please also consider a monetary donation or donating from our Amazon Wishlist to help our cause.